Baptism, etc.

Theophany Icon – BlisswoodBaptism of children
Arrangements for the baptism of a child must be made directly with the priest, Father Kosmas. Please download the Application for Baptism form (Word document / PDF document) and send the completed form to Father Kosmas by email. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, please give at least three weeks’ notice of your preferred date.

Baptisms usually take place on Saturdays and Sundays from around 2 pm onwards. Exceptionally, baptisms can be arranged on other days if Father Kosmas is available.

Father Kosmas will discuss all the arrangements with you and will give you a written confirmation of the date and time. Please wait for this confirmation before making any other arrangements such as telling your family and friends, booking a venue for a baptism party, etc.

The Church does not ‘sell’ sacraments, so no specific fee is charged by the priest to perform the baptism. The Archdiocese makes a charge to issue a Certificate of Baptism: a fee of £40 is payable. This is paid over to the Archdiocese; the local Parish does not receive any part of this fee. If your family would find it difficult to pay this, please speak to Father Kosmas: we do not want any child to go unbaptized, or for their baptism to be delayed because of cost.

It is also customary to make an offering to the local Parish as a sign of gratitude. The value of this offering should be in line with the family’s financial situation.

Adult Baptism and Reception into the Church
Adults who have not been baptized (or who have been baptized in a non-Orthodox church) and who wish to become members of the Orthodox Church within our Community must discuss this directly with Father Kosmas. Please speak to him after the Sunday Liturgy, or make an appointment to see him at another time: Mobile / Text / WhatsApp / 07960 517266; Email

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, adult baptism or reception into the Church by chrismation will only take place after the person who wishes to become a member of the Church has been attending services regularly and faithfully for several months, and after appropriate instruction.